- Website UI/UX
- Website Development
Web development that are relevant to you will depend on your skills, experience, and interests. If you are new to web development, I recommend starting with front-end development or web design. Once you have a good understanding of front-end development and web design, you can then decide if you want to specialize in a particular area, such as web application development, mobile app development, or web performance optimization.
- Mobile App Development
Native apps are developed specifically for a particular mobile platform, such as iOS or Android.
Web apps are developed using web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Digital Marketing
Common SEO mistakes to avoid to increase your rankings

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays an important to promote a business. It also makes a better ranking. If you want to drive traffic to your site and increase sales then avoid some common SEO mistakes. Search engine algorithms keep on changing which always makes a large difference in ranking. It is not that easy to stay always on top of the world of digital marketing. Many businesses have been failing for doing the incorrect SEO.
Avoid these top seven common SEO mistakes to increase your business sales and website visibility.
Selecting the Wrong Keywords
Analyzing and optimizing the right keywords will make your website to rank for. The common mistakes in selecting the keywords are neglecting the preference of the search engine. Some select the keywords according to their business products and services which is completely incorrect. Some terms you consider correct might mean something completely different for other people. Research carefully before you start the optimization. Use tools like Google AdWords keyword planner, Google Trends, SEMrush and Moz Keyword Explorer. Select the long tail keyword for better results.
Using Keyword Stuffing
Do not use keywords in every sentence of your content. Using a high number of keywords in a single content is registered as spammy by search engines which will affect your SEO performance.
Using keyword stuffing or overusing your intended keywords make your content unnatural and useless for its intended audience. Try to use only three to five keywords in your content.
Not Using Anchor Text
If you are writing a blog on web development then link a web page related to that service. Use the anchor text like “click here”, “check this post” or you can simply use “web development services”. Like.
Use the relevant keyword for the anchor text. This is one of the most important components of SEO to increase clicks and visibility.
Non-Original Content
The next biggest mistake in SEO is publishing the non-original content. It is related to the quality of your content. Using duplicate text was a common practice back in the day, but today search engines do not crawl such content.
Copying and duplicate content is considered as a spammy practice and is highly discouraged. Instead of coping with the content you can use some tools or Softwares that ‘spin’ the content into a new shape. Try to make your content valuable and unique for your viewers. If you need unique content then hire a content writer.
Link Quantity Over Link Quality
Nowadays it is easy to purchase backlinks at cheap prices. You can use the different SEO tools and software to build a bunch of links for you. Within a few days, they can pile up a few dozen links pointing directly to your website.
But this can ruin your website. Link Building is completely depending upon the authority and validity of the site that is sending the links. Focus on the links that are relevant to your website and industry. You can check the domain authority of other websites
Title Tags & Meta Descriptions
Title tags and meta descriptions are essential elements of SEO. Optimizing your content and including keywords in the content does not finish your work. Title tags and meta descriptions considered by the search engines when crawling your website. Add keyword in the Title and Description. These will help you to improve the performance of your content.
Content marketers forget to add Title Tags and Meta Description which also harms their SEO performance. Adding alt tags for the images is also important as search bots cannot see the pictures – but they can read the alt tags.
Not Checking Analytics Report
Google Analytics and Google Webmasters are the two main tools to check the overall performance of your website. Regularly reviewing your website is essential for your optimization results.
You can check how your optimization is working for different kinds of content. You can easily check which keywords drive more traffic but traffic is not all that matters. Keep on changing your strategies to get better results.
Conclusion – Google search engines get high traffic than any other search engine. For the better user interface, google makes changes in google search engine algorithms. Change your SEO strategies according to these algorithms. Use the Keyword Planner tool to pick the right keywords. Make unique and valuable content for your viewers. Check your website performance on google analytics.
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Email : info@snarscorp.com
Phone : +91 9452 07 6369